Thread: I'm new.
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Old 04-08-2010, 02:57 AM   #10
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Location: Kansas City, KS
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Re: I'm new.

First and foremost, thank you for your service to our country. I appreciate you and the others defending our freedom.

Secondly, welcome to the forums from Kansas City, KS.

Thirdly, not much info in the add, but the many suggestions above should be duly noted and considered. Furthermore, it is not a must to have disk brakes, five lugs, lowering, etc., etc., etc. Although these are all popular modifications, finding a good rig to start with is equally important. For anything less than $2K, a mechanically sound, roadworthy truck is a great start...knowing that you can do the many desired upgrades/mods., as time, money and resources allow.

In closing, good luck with your pursuit of a '60-'66 Chevy truck and let us know how things shake out for you.

Stay safe!

PS - I have a '66 Chevy C20 Custom Camper, that I love and it is the only 3/4 ton I have.
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Last edited by LILRED66; 04-08-2010 at 02:59 AM.
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