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Old 04-08-2010, 12:07 PM   #61
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Re: Don't Ruin The Value Of Classic Trucks

I paid $500 for mine and I'm super excited to own it. Now it took me 2 trucks, a car dolly and a small trailer to get it home, but I got what I could get. If it was a popular muscle car, I'm guessing it would have been two or three times that much. (I also bought what I wanted,I love old chevy trucks) I have been unemployed since March of 09', I bought my truck this past December, I'm glad there is still deals to be found. Now if you can spend 5, 10, or 20 thousand on one and try to make money on it later, good luck. But if you own one, I say be glad that you own one of the best looking trucks ever built.
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