Re: starter??
A heat shield helps but I would say pull the starter off and replace the bushings and brushes in it for around ten bucks at Napa and go again.
90% of the hot start problems with these starters is because the bushings are worn enough so that the armature drags on the fields when the starter is hot.
The Ford solenoid fix is also a good one that has been done for years and can easily be done by just about anyone by using a Ford solenoid, extra length of battery cable and a copper strip (made from a piece of flattened copper tubing).
I'm not a fan of the "high torque" starters. On each and every board I am on there are several threads on the issues with them. The biggest issue seems to be that some of them are hard to get meshed up with the ring gear correctly.
Also if the battery is a bit on the wimpy side you might have hot start issues so make sure that the battery is up to the task. New rigs with all new pieces and wiring can usually get by with any battery that fits in the space but older rigs tend to need all the oomph they can get in the battery department.
And it still goes back to checking the basics
Check each and every connection on the positive and ground cables.
Check the condition of the cables
Make sure that every other connection in the system is good and all of the wiring is in good shape. Check for patches in the wiring and things like butt connectors that may be causing resistance or suspect connections.
On the QJet, If they are in good shape and set up right they are hard to beat for every day driving. You do either have to have the patience to go step by step when rebuilding your own along with a gentle touch or find someone who is good at rebuilding them.
One issue with a lot of them is that the base plate wears where the throttle shafts go through allowing the shafts to be loose and or vacuum leaks in that area but usually there is someone around most areas that can do the repair or I would think that there is someone here on the board who is setup to rebush the holes and properly fit the shafts. The other issue is that the plugs in the bottom of the body sometimes leak but there are fixes for that including a piece that comes in every kit that you put in the base plate to seal things off.