Thread: fun on a budget
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Old 04-09-2010, 08:14 PM   #3
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Re: fun on a budget

here ya go its a bone stock 350 except for the K&N air filter, flex fan and duel exhaust

its backed up by a sm-465 granny gear transmission that i have mastered the art of speed shifting and its got 3:73 gears with a ONE WHEEL WONDER! but i still got good grip. this truck has been up to about 130 hangin with a 5.0 mustang and that was a little scary so now i want to beef up the suspention so she will grip like a road queen!

this summer im going to upgrade to a jet stage 2 Q JET becouse the stock carb has started given trouble reclently when the 4 bbl kicks in when your going about 90 it just dies so im gonna get a little more power from that to
77 chevy BIG 10 350/sm465/12bolt w 3.73 bout 240 horse power NO power steerin
79 chevy 1/2 ton 250/three on the tree/3.08s soon to get built 250/floor shift conversion/3.08s
81 mercedes 300d 25 MPG
77 chevy BIG DOOLEY 454/sm-465/14 bolt 4.10s "fully loaded"
73 plymouth duster 225 slant six/230 3 speed/8 1/4 trying to acheve 300 horse six
'77 chevy trucks. built to stay tough.
life is short build a hot rod

Last edited by big10ratrod77; 04-09-2010 at 08:17 PM.
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