Thread: fun on a budget
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Old 04-11-2010, 08:42 AM   #11
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Re: fun on a budget

ur dads a smart man. Keep saving for a rebuild if the motors gettn tired.

in the mean time, loose those mirrors, hubcaps and a leaf n the rear... cost=nothing.

then some cheap steel wheels/w/ retreads/used's....


if motors tired, save for a 4bolt rebuild, or have that one rebuilt. Just a cam and what not in that ol motor would be a waste of money.
dad will appreciate that, yea when I do rebuild the 350 I aint going to wild because I learned with my last engine build I built a 225 Plymouth slant six with a BBIIIGG cam, headers 4bbl intake .090 off the head, major port and polish, big valves and that broke my bank! I am going do a good back yard port and polish shave .010 off the heads and .020 off the block with 9 to 1 flat tops and a 350 horse 327 camshaft and a new q jet. I am not going overboard this time, and its a four bolt main motor.

woaaahhhh!!!! buy a welder and some steel!!! that thing looks like cheese!!!
yea I found a 84 bed in the junk yard that’s like brand new for 350 so I am going to buy that and a little MIG welder and some new rocker panels, cab corners, cab mounts, floor pans, doors and finders and that will get my body about right.
77 chevy BIG 10 350/sm465/12bolt w 3.73 bout 240 horse power NO power steerin
79 chevy 1/2 ton 250/three on the tree/3.08s soon to get built 250/floor shift conversion/3.08s
81 mercedes 300d 25 MPG
77 chevy BIG DOOLEY 454/sm-465/14 bolt 4.10s "fully loaded"
73 plymouth duster 225 slant six/230 3 speed/8 1/4 trying to acheve 300 horse six
'77 chevy trucks. built to stay tough.
life is short build a hot rod
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