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Old 04-11-2010, 01:07 PM   #1
West Texas Z
El Mero Mero Frijolero!!
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73-87 Turn Switch Installation thread!

Hey guys, I'v recieved so much help here on this forum that I decided it was my turn to help out a bit. Here is the method and pictures taken in my turn switch installation this weekend. Took about 1.5 hours. enjoy!!

First Remove the horn button. It should pry off fairly easy.

Next remove the horn mechanism plates. Should be a 1/2 inch spacer with 3 bolts, and a flat metal contact plate.

Next use a steering wheel or harmonic balancer puller to remove the steering wheel. But first test fit the bolts to that you dont strip the threads with the wrong bolt when you start pulling.

Next remove the dust cap, should pry off with a twist. Be careful, this plastice trim is very thin and could break. Behind the dust cap is another metal plate that has a metal ring retainer in place that needs to be pulled out. We used a flat head screw driver while pushing the plate in at the same time. You need a partner for this part to do the pushing while the other removes the ring. Sorry for no photo!! but dont worry, once you get here its self explanitory.

Here is where you should be at now with everything removed. As you can see 25 years of steering has taken a toll on my switch. Now remove the 3 screws that hold the switch in place.

Last edited by West Texas Z; 04-11-2010 at 01:10 PM.
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