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Old 04-11-2010, 02:22 PM   #913
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Posts: 9
Re: How about some pics of 88-98 Trucks

Originally Posted by 1badgmc View Post
Unless you have a load in the bed in that pic, I'm betting you already have drop shackles on the rear. It looks level to me.

Just get smaller tires and some drop springs.
I am getting the shackle kit in today. I'll post pics tonight. The back is lowered two inches according to the guy I bought it from. I'm assuming with hangers because the shackles are stock. Thanks for the answer to the clamp question. I guess I'll just see if I can find some tires I can afford and roll the fender a bit more. Is their any dangers to using the clamps temporarily?
Thanks badgmc, and that a nice clean truck
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