First time on the site and what a
wealth of information. Pleases me to have discovered such a wealth of experience and knowlege to assist me on my path with my truck.
I have a '70 CST short/step complete with a crate LS6 BB and beefed 700R4 tranny. Color is original green with zero rust and 56,000 original miles. Not much more to put here except the 5 lug change to discs up front and drums out back with a 3.07 gear. Can you say legs?
Once I get back from Iraq in September, the plans are an OA AC install, CPP uppers/Lowers, anti-sway bars,2.5inch drop spindles and 2.5"drop in the rear.
From what I have seen here, there are many nice and special I am glad to be a part. Good to meet all of you!
John Paap
Ft. Huachuca, AZ (transfering back to Augusta, GA after deployment!)