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Old 05-14-2003, 10:45 PM   #13
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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You will need something to controll the lock up converter, it was conrolled by the on board computer. You can get a cheap vac controlled deal that pretty much blows, or you can get a deal witch you can pre-select the speed in which lock up ocours and a couple other functions.
This one, like all later 700R4 trannys, has no provisions for a speedo cable, it was electronic. I think there is a "conversion computer" or something like that on the market, but I am unsure. Most people will either go with no speedo, or search for an older 700R4 tailshaft extention and rob it for the mechanical speedo drive.
The TV cable is way more important that a kick down and if not adjusted correctly will completly destroy the tranny in a few thousand miles. There are kits to make it easy to hook up and adjust.
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