Re: Don't Ruin The Value Of Classic Trucks
i wouldn't even dream of criticizing another persons opinion or put them down for expressing it.
I think this back and forth, agree and disagree is good for me, i like to see other opinions and ideas, I can't tell you how many times i've read a post and said "oh yea, never thought of that"
Trucks that are bagged, dropped with 20 in. rims don't appeal to me in the slightest, in fact i think it ruins the truck. But there are folks on here who probably would laugh at some of the dumb crap i've thought about doing.
I'm new to this board and i can see there are some who just like to disagree on everything and some who just like to start stuff.But there are many many more good folks on here that have taught me ideas that i can't even put a pricetag on. One thing we ALL agree on is that we love trucks.
hang in there, your input is valuable.