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Old 04-16-2010, 04:28 PM   #1
Hard Luck
I've got grease on my mind.
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Oly, Wa
Posts: 481
WTW recent finds

Here is what I got at the Portland Swap Meet. Think I did pretty good.
  1. Set of light green (Aqua?) visors and retainers
  2. DS Ramhorn exhaust manifold
  3. rust-free door-few extra holes and some dents but no rust and solid hinge pad
  4. pass fender (might need a little work at the front)
  5. set of 71 spindles
  6. pair of Flow Masters
  7. factory exaust hanger
  8. couple of radio delete plates in a few colors(even one with woodgrain) custom kickpanels loaded with Infinity speakers
  9. spare tire hanger with mounting hardware(also need a few pics of how this is supposed to work)
  10. 07 Dodge center console -hoping to adapt for bench or some truck buckets

How did I do
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