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Old 04-17-2010, 09:29 AM   #12
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Re: Rear Coil Question

WRO44, I had a similar problem. As you know, the lower bolts go through the trailing arms, and, if they're like mine, the entire length of the bolt is rusted solid to the trailing arm, not just to the welded nut. It is virtually impossible to get penetrating oil down around this length of bolt. You can get heat to the area.

Like you, I was replacing my springs (my old ones were worthless, having been torched by the P.O.). If I remember correctly (I DO suffer from CRS), I got the spring tops loose then cut the springs down low to get them out of the way AFTER PROPERLY SUPPORTING BOTH THE FRAME AND THE REAR AXEL AND DELOADING THE SPRINGS. Then you can use a chisel as a wedge between the spring/cup and the trailing arm. If you can loosen it any at all you can start getting oil to it. Driving the bolt up from the bottom is difficult because it is tough to get a good swing with the tool of choice, the BFH.

Last edited by fleetsidelarry; 04-17-2010 at 09:31 AM.
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