Thread: Brake Question
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Old 04-17-2010, 10:19 AM   #1
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Brake Question

I put a brake booster and MC from a 76 chevy truck on my 62 chevy 4x4, we bleed the system and it stilkl goes very far down to be firm. I built the rod from the brake pedal to the booster so it had no or just a little space till it hit the push point, it will not pum up more so I think I am either ok with the adjustment or hitting the end of the MC bore. so I have a few questions. Do I need to have more distance on the rod to partially compress the MC to take uup the slack? Do I need to move the small push pin out in the front of the MC and are they adjustable? Did I just not bleed out the MC as well as I shoulkd have. I did build the two circuits front and rear, I have disc brakes in the front and drums in the rear, let me know what you think Larry

BTW I through in a pic, Larry
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