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Old 04-17-2010, 10:02 PM   #11
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Re: Who's makes the best fit replacement panels

I buy all my aftermarket sheetmetal at the swap meets and make sure it is tri plus no matter what vendor I get the parts from.4 years ago I replaced all the panels on a friends 72 swb fenders ,doors, bedsides,tailgate, rockers,hood,all goodmark with tri plus stickers.I hung the doors on the cab first and fit the rockers next.I hung the front fenders next lining them up with the doors.I then set the hood and adjusted the front with the brackets on the core support.I had to add a factory style shim or 2 as needed behind the fenders to get the correct gap along the length of the hood then I had to readjust the door hinges slightly.Other than adding a few shims where needed I had no problems at all.The truck looks awsome.I recently tried to hang a set of goodmark doors for a guy and they would not fit no matter how I tried to adjust them.I hung 2 old doors on the truck to check out the fitment of the new rockers and they lined up fine.He said the doors were goodmark parts but they were definantly not the same quaility as the previous set I installed and I didn't see a triplus sticker on them.I have installed a least a dozen sets of triplus rockers and never had a fitment issue.they are way better than any other aftermarket rocker I have ever seen.
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