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Old 04-19-2010, 11:37 AM   #15
fun in dirt
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Re: rewiring a blazer... need advice PLEASE

I just recently finished putting one of these AAW complete harnesses in a '67 Chevelle. I'm took me about 2 weeks...that was 2 whole Saturdays & a few hours after work about 3 days a week. This was with the interior totally out & included time to reinstall the dash & heater work stuff. It is not hard but very tedious work. The connections took awhile to make neatly as I didn't have the "correct pliers", that you can rent from them of course.
The only real problem I had was on the dash harness. They had 2 wires swapped in the main plug (the right turn & oil press light), both were dark blue & when I turned on the right blinker the oil pressure light blinked. After about 30 minutes of standing on my head under the dash with a flashligh in my mouth I found the problem & got them switched around.

But it all in all it turned out very nice...just take your time & read through all the diagrams & footnotes to be familiar with the overall idea before starting anything.

DO IT ALL YOURSELF...When you finish it is so cool to see everything work & especially at night with everything lit up!!!
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Last edited by fun in dirt; 04-19-2010 at 11:45 AM. Reason: added pics
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