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Old 04-19-2010, 12:38 PM   #1
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Posts: 469
I need a little help with Trick Front Springs

I had some 260lbs trick springs in my truck. They worked out great at first, but then I started taking weight off the front end and the stance looked horrible. I needed the truck lower, so I went and had them cut down (1-1/4 coil), but the guy cut the bottoms off and now they don't sit right. I don't think they are transferring weight like they used to either. My truck goes decent off the line, but it doesn't look like it transfers any weight. I think I'm gonna need that if I start launching it hard off the line.
Here's a crappy video of it. It was an old airport, no surface prep, I didn't do a burnout, and my slicks were at 20psi. I was stalling it up to 1500rpms and smoothly rolling into it.

What I want to know is if I need more weight tranfer than this? Or will more weight tranfer not help me much? I'm not sure, but before I had them cut, it would blow the tires off shortly after the hit or it would just launch crappy. Should I just buy the same springs and cut them myself and see if they do anything different? My first thought was to buy 240lbs springs and hopefully they'll compress a little more and I won't have to cut them. I'm going to get the truck weighed today, so I'll report back with the front end weight soon.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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