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Old 04-19-2010, 12:52 PM   #4
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Re: What do I use to band/compress coil springs?

The last time I rented their spring compressor and took it to a mechanic to do my springs he said it wouldn't work with my springs or with my truck or something. He said he tried it and it didn't work. I don't know how he got the springs in the first time, but he got them in with some help from another guy. I have access to a lift now if that makes any difference.
Could ya'll point me to some instructions/directions on putting in springs and using the correct compressor?
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH
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