Thread: TBI replacement
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Old 04-19-2010, 11:23 PM   #5
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Re: TBI replacement

Originally Posted by Pyrotechnic View Post
A clean set of injectors metering the proper amount of fuel will definitely help. Just running some injector cleaning through your tank of often not enough to clean them, but the ultrasonic cleaning can break the dirt loose. A 20+ year old set of injector is most likely due for a cleaning.

As for the bottom portion, it wouldn't hurt to check yours out first. The throttle shafts may not be worn out at all. Take it off and see if the play is excessive.

My plan of action would be the check the throttle shafts, and if that is OK simply rebuild it myself with a set of professionally cleaned or new injectors, whichever is cheaper.
I will check the shaft to make sure, I havent thoroughly played with it yet, I used to have an 89 model where the shaft was so worn that I was cruising through a saltgrass steakhouse parking lot and it got stuck! It was kinda scary since it was like the toyota thing on the news everyones talking about and started to run away on me except I knew to slap it in neutral and shut it off so I was okay but It probably scared bystanders when the engine went revving so high!

Originally Posted by 87gmcsierra View Post
i just got a rebuild kit for mine and 2 new injectors and it works great, i tell you what tho never and i mean never waste your money on that holley tbi its junk .
Where did you buy your new injectors from?
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