Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena
How old is your cutie? She's going to grow up to be a beauty. You're a very lucky man to share this with her. Her work looks great too. Nice that you let her do this. HUGE congratulations.
Thanks man... she is 8, and she truly said... DAD I want to paint our truck... so i gave the paint we had.. and WE worked out the idea.... but to my amazement she had the idea that surpassed mine... so I went with it and let her do her thing... a few tape rolls later and some
GREAT time spent with my Daughter... it ended up as you see... lesson learned... no idea is bad... with a bit of conversation... any idea can be a blossom for a cool and rewarding idea!!!!
I love my litter girl... its not a perfect paint job... but its her first & for that I thinks it's better!!!
Emmaly thanks all of you who think her paint job was "quote - Cool"