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Old 04-20-2010, 10:35 PM   #18
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Re: Cup holder installed

Our trucks are not to be old, rusty, and a pile of garbage. I love old cars and trucks. I love to upgrade them, and make them better, and more comfortable. A cup holder holds the cup so I can hold the wheel. Some people have over $40,000 in an old pickup truck, and some have under $5,000. Some have rat rods. I like rat rods too. I try to get along with everyone. I don't care how big they are, how ugly they are, or what color they are. I say let us do what we want to with our cars, and trucks. I put $35,000 in a 1950 Mercury. If I had keep it I would have put a cup holder in it. I am an X-drunkard that God has saved. Gos bless you all. Grady
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