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Old 04-21-2010, 05:37 PM   #5
former Chalet owner
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Posts: 337
Re: Blazer Chalet for sale in Saginaw MI

The one in the Detroit ad in post #2 was on a non-original 2wd '79 Blazer, and it sold on the same day, while the Saginaw one is now listed in the Detroit section here:

That one is serial #1551, and the seller has been deleting and re-submitting his ads, so Google search for Chalet #1551 if the link doesn't work. He's a member of our Yahoo Chalet owners' forum, I might ask him to keep a constant ad.

They are definitely rare, but tough economic times causes more guys to be selling them, I had to create a Google map of ones for sale just to keep track of them. A couple of years ago, there might have been as few as five for sale all at once, now there's been around 50. PM me for specific vehicle info.
Former owner of Chalet #1747. Current caretaker of the very old website.

Last edited by 77blazerchalet; 04-21-2010 at 05:41 PM.
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