Thread: today's score
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Old 04-21-2010, 11:29 PM   #31
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Re: today's score

I just read this, and I thought this was the coolest thing said in it:

"...i just want to get her running and road worthy , then go pick up pops from the old folks home and go for a ride...".

That's great - these weren't even people you knew and you thought of that.

That's really nice.

Any old guy who hung onto an old truck he had driven , even after the years he was able to drive it...that'd be a gesture he'd appreciate.

Obviously had sentimental value to him the whole time.
I will subscribe to this...hopefully if you ever do that (shouldn't be too hard, since the truck's still in 1 piece) you can post up pics here.

I took a car back and showed the guy who had owned it (40+ years, and all I had done was get it roadworthy and polished it up...not even restored yet.
Cars are more than cars when you have them that long. WOuld just bring back memories I bet, for him!

Last edited by SUBURBANlinoleum; 04-21-2010 at 11:30 PM.
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