Thread: LCA Ball joints
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Old 04-22-2010, 06:07 AM   #4
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Re: LCA Ball joints

I used a short section of tubing a wee bit bigger than the ball joint to support the surrounding area underneath and a smaller (but longer) piece for the top side.
It kept everything square and localized the pressure to just the bj area.
My press is only a small 20 ton and it worked great for this.
PS I'm always on the lookout for short bits of tubing (the thicker wall the better) and solid bar to use with my press.And don't trust your chopsaw to make a sqaure cut,true them up on a lathe (I don't think a shop would charge too much,if anything)
Hope this helps
"63 sb ss bbw 350\350 12 bolt rear Pwr Fr Disc PS tilt
'61 GMC in progress
'63 GMC to use for parts
'90 Chevy Ext cab sbfs 5.7l (current d d)
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