-1971 NP 205 off a TH 350. Includes adapter, bearing supported coupler & shifter. 3/4 ton size rear yoke & spicer style front output. Rebuilt a few years ago with all new bearings & shift rails. Drained the oil & it was clear. Super clean & ready to install.
-1977 np 205 off a 1/2 ton, 465, 4spd. Includes adapter, coupler & shifter. Good condition but needs a couple of seals & a good cleaning.
465 4spd. & NP205. No adapter. All in pieces, some good- some bad. Not complete. Good coupler.
$75 for the pile or let me know what individual parts you need & i'll see if it is there & good or not.
Somebody buy these parts! My garage is about to burst!