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Old 04-22-2010, 11:48 AM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: broken arrow oklahoma
Posts: 266
Root beer in Tulsa/Broken Arrow

Has anyone see a 63 C-10 that is root beer color in the Tulsa/Broken Arrow area? I was going home from work on Tuesday and saw this truck cursing down 71st and turned North on county line road, and man did that truck look clean! It was a real head turner. It might have been at the local Fuddruckers, they have a gathering there ever Tuesday, or even at the Rema church, they also have a gathering. I have been so busy with my truck that I haven’t made it to either one and was hoping to get a closer look at the cars and trucks that are there. Any ways, if you are on this forum I hope to see you there next week, I will definitely make it to see the vehicles.
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