Thread: A/C Questions
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Old 04-22-2010, 08:46 PM   #1
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A/C Questions

OK, when we put the motor/tranny in my truck, the original A/C compressor was leaking so we just left it off. Now I've changed my setup up to a early 90's serp. setup and it's getting hot and I want A/C. I can find a compressor no problem, won't be cheap but whatever. But I was told since I left the hoses and stuff off, and didn't plug any holes up, that there's alot of dirt in there and that I can't just put a new compressor on and go. That I have to change out condenser, evaporator, and something else. I'm scared of that cuz it's lots of money and work, and A/C isn't worth that to me. Anyone know the truth to this? Can I just put a new compressor on?
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