For a clean installation, buy this installation kit (87-99-3052) by Metra Electronics Corporation. It has a radio housing plate that goes between your dash bezel and your dash. It also has a faceplate that goes on the front part of the bezel. Check with your local car stereo store for availability. They go for under $20. I am using a dremel with a thin die grinder disk to enlarge the opening in the dash bezel using the Metra plate as a template. Cut a little smaller as the plastic wants to melt, then file to size. I will also use the die grinder disk to cut the dash also using the template. I am doing this right now, well not exactly, but slowy but surely.
1978 Chevrolet Silverado C 10
454 BB, TH400
Last edited by 78SilveradoSWB; 05-16-2003 at 01:09 AM.