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Old 04-23-2010, 02:42 PM   #9
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Re: Another Issue with an Edelbrock 1406

thanks for the replies guys.

68shortstep, that is the conlusion that i have drawn with the edelbrocks, but my demon 625 is back at barry grant cause the secondaries wouldnt lean out with any jet change. I hope to be done with the edelbrock when and IF the demon will ever run right. i am about done with carbs, period.

i do have a 1" 4-hole phenolic spacer, i have had the fuel boiling issue and thats not the problem. the carb feels cold when the engine is warm and idling. i have read your post and i do believe that the spacer is going to help your (D-rat) issue.

the initial timing is at 12deg, max mechanical of 32, and the vacuum advance is giving me 18deg. its a new vacuum unit thats letting off at 15", the engine pulls 19-20" at idle.

it is an electric choke and that was a thought too, but i have jumped out and checked the choke when i have experienced the problem and its open.
and i have checked the bolts they are snug. the base plate is not warped either.

when i warm start the engine and its running lean like this, the only thing that i have found will change it is driving. reving it or letting it just idle will not get the problem to go away. i have fought this damn edelbrock every step of the way. every time i fix one issue its something else. thats why i am trying to get my road demon to run and i have reach my wits end with it on two occasions. thats why its back at BG with them going through it.
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