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Old 04-23-2010, 02:46 PM   #5
"Hooked on Quack"
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Midlothian,TX
Posts: 154
Re: What Makes Your Vendor or Supplier of Truck Parts Special?

My wife doesn't understand why I am the same way. I will pay more for familarity. If I meet someone say even at Autozone and they show an actual intrest in what I am doing and offer what advise they have even if it is little I will keep coming back.

Happened just the other day I was at an autozone I am not overly fond of just because of location but I started talking about my new project, turns out the guy just finished a very similiar build and was full of advise. So for now he is who I buy all my little stuff from instead of going other places closer to they house.

It is just the feeling that they give 2 craps that makes the difference. Kind of like all ways of life I guess we are drawn to people we believe actually care period. That is the thinking I use with all my customers you are more than just a number I care what happens to them.
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