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Old 04-26-2010, 05:21 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 94
Re: How to I reduce slack in steering?

First try adjusting the steering box. On the top of the box is a threaded stud with a slot cut accross the end facing up. This stud is kept from turning by a lock nut at its base. This stud takes the slop out of your box. Jack the truck up so both wheels are off the ground. Make sure nothing has been placed in the way of any parts that will move when you turn the steering wheel lock to lock. Now loosen the lock nut and while holding the lock nut with a wrench use a big flat blade screwdriver inserted into the slot of the stud and turn the stud in (clockwise). Try 1/2 turn and see if the steering has gotten any better. Keep going in 1/2 turn increments until you have gotten most of the slack out. If the screw gets tight (meaning you have meshed the gears completely tight) stop and back off 1/2 turn. You only want to turn the stud in until you have taken the slop out. Once done tighten the lock nut down and turn the steering wheel slowly from lock to lock feeling for any tight or binding spots. If there are any loosen up the lock nut and turn stud out another 1/2 turn. Any tight or binding areas could cause the steering wheel not to center properly while driving or completely lock up on a turn. While the truck is jacked up check all steering components also. The idler arm is a good place to start as stated in a thread earlier.
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