Weird Tire Question
Having just bought my 68 I am still very much in learning mode but the following question should be easy for everyone in the group. I usually prefer to put 4 tires of equal size on my trucks that are slightly taller and wider than stock size. I have noticed on the 67-72's that this will mean that the front tires will stick out past the fender more than the rear. (On my truck the front tires are narrower and the rims shallower and they go right to the edge of the fender as do my rear tires that are wider and deeper.) My question is this - I have seen some pictures on this message board of trucks that appear to have four of the same size tires that all seem to protrude from or to the fender the same amount. Does this require some type of modification? Thanks for any help you can provide.
Then again, this could just be a camera angle thing.
Last edited by ubtripn; 04-26-2010 at 06:16 PM.
Reason: More info