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Old 04-27-2010, 07:00 PM   #1
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Location: Fergus, Ontario
Posts: 4
pre 81 crew cab 3+3 long box

hi everyone new to the site about to get myself an old beast. all i know from what i can find on the internet is that this truck is pre 81 before the facelift. its a 3/4 ton with a 350sb 130,000 miles or here in canada 208,000 kms. interior is beautiful and i plan to keep the front and actually store the back away and put in a mild sound system ok ok a wild sounds system but thats later on down the road. i plan on doing a frame off project with a semi-gloss black frame and a 2 tone paint job black on botom red on top. and maybe 20 inch rims all the way a round. 5% limo tint but here is what i have to start with. also is it possible to change the front end to a an 82 front end?? obviously fenders and grill but hood? let me know and what is involved thanks
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