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Old 04-29-2010, 08:01 AM   #21
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Re: Post your tow pig / trailer...

I'm always pulling something with my truck. Boats, trailers, pushing and pulling docks and boat lifts in and out of the lake.

In fact I'm in the middle of installing a real receiver hitch. Some PO made a receiver/bumper and bolted it to the frame. It sits up a bit too high for my liking so I'm putting on a painted fleetside stock bumper and 75034 Draw-Tite receiver hitch. I couldn't believe what the homemade bumper weighed last night. It is WAY north of 100 pounds. I'll need an extra bag or two of sand in the bed for plowing next winter.
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'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN
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