Yes the 700R4 is a good OD trans for most uses. It is realtively easy to hook up, although it does need to be done correctly. The 700R4 evolved into the 4L60 and then the 4L60E which is an electronically controlled trans. That will need a computer to operate. I wouldn't recommend that for your first build. What I meant by "I don't know how good of a rebuild you are going to get on a 700R4 for $495.00" is I don't see how that could actually be a rebuilt transmission for only $495.00 when a quality rebuilt upgraded 700R4 typically goes for $1500-$2000.00. Granted the add says it comes with a warranty, but do you want to have to deal with it if there is a problem? Just trying to enlighten you a bit.
That 350 engine might not be a bad deal. In situations like that, I'll go look at it and go with how I feel about the person selling it. I can usually tell if the person is a BS'er or not. A rebuildable 350 engine should cost around $150-$200.00. If you're willing to take a little time to find an engine, I would look for a good '96 and up 350. they are a better engine with the factory roller cam and the best flowing heads GM ever made. It is not uncommon for them to go 200,000+ miles.
Originally Posted by scum1
thanks for the response! so....motor tranny combo would work..
--i def agree about the motor and being able to hear it, but aside from that most 350 motors around that price MIGHT be a good find??
--as far as the transmission i searched for the 700R4 because it seems to be the most popular upgrade is that correct? are there any other compatible automatic transmissions anyone would recommend? And what price range should i be looking at? that 700R4 seemed a little low, and by saying "I don't know how good of a rebuild you are going to get.." did you mean that trans might need to be rebuilt?
sorry for all the unresearched/mis-asked questions...tony