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Old 04-30-2010, 04:47 PM   #63
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

A little late to the subject here, but my 3 kids have been homeschooled from day one and the oldest is 13. We have been through every available curricula option, had good things and bad. I'd be glad to answer any questions if I can, or get my wife to answer them at least, lol. A lot of people use the social interaction BS as an arguement against homeschooling.. Ive found that it does have its down sides. My kids are not socially limited and are as comfortable talking to their best friend as to their pastor or the bank president. They will only be as limited as you let them be, and from what ive seen your kids will be great. I can tell youve put some thought and effort into this decision and i applaud that, too many people dont. If I can answer any Q's please feel free to message me or email me id be glad to do it. Have a great day!!
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