This is from my jeep. I am sorry, but you all are always so helpful.
The cylinders look pretty smooth. I am concerned that there is way to much carbon built up. Please realize that I had a hell of a time getting the carb and timing set. Also I have 2 distributor gears give out. This again caused timing issues. So the motor has about 3000 miles on it and most were whole I struggled to get it timed out of time.
How does the head look? Should I clean it while out? If so how?
How about the pistons?
Also all the head bolts came out clean, except the very front driver side stud. It was all gummed up with dirty oil/grease. Why would it be messy/gummy?
Thanks for the help. I am learning as I go. Thanks a ton. hope to get my new CAM in this week and have it on the road by next weekend