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Old 05-03-2010, 05:14 PM   #1
Sniper X
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Location: Albuquerque New mexico
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Should I swap in my 454?

OK, let's see where to start! I have a 1978 C20 Camper Special with a 454 in it that has been recently rebuilt. BUT, it needs valve seals because the person who rebuilt it didn't do the heads and the valve seals went south soon after the motor went in the truck.....

Anyway, the 1974 has a 350 that has also been rebuilt, but it is a small block and although it runs well, isn't a big block!

So, should I swap in the 454 and find some good HP heads and cam for it, or just leave the never needs smog again 1974 alone? BTW the 74 is a 3 speed w granny (4 speed) which I would leave in there.
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