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Old 05-18-2003, 11:30 PM   #1
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Angry 87 S-10 Blazer Fuel Problem

I hope I have this in the right forum. If I don't please excuse me since I am new posting here.

I have a 1987 S-10 Blazer 4X4 2.8ltr. It has been sitting for about three years now. I am now just getting back to trying to get it on the road ( I know I was really stupid for letting it sit for that long). Well now it will not start. I believe it is a fuel issue since I shot a little ether down the throttle body and it tried to start. I believe the fuel pump is working because I can hear a faint running sound from the gas tank area but it seems to run for awhile after I shut the key off. Could it be doing this because it keeps trying to build up pressure in the fuel line and it cannot or is this normal. Also I see no signs that the injectors are firing. I cannot smell any fuel or feel any signs of wetness around either of the injectors. Does anyone have any ideas about what I should be checking. Thanks for any help you can give me.

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