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Old 05-09-2010, 12:24 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: NW, Colorado
Posts: 285
Had the blazer out...

Well on Saturday morning despite the worst head cold I have ever had, I got up and fixed the blazer. So we loaded the kids up and went to see the local rock crawler comp.

Here is the blazer, no rock crawling for me today, but we just kind of hung out and watched others.

Here are some other shots, this gal had a pretty sweat rig, however by the time she finished the run it did not look so pretty. Gonna need to replace the right front head light area.

A couple other pics as well...

Nice Scout

Hippy truck... He rolled into the crack, Then his buddy rolled trying to his samuri to him. I missed the photo of the sammy.
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