Re: My little long bed 62
I know how using it as a Daily would be fun with a little down time, I was doing the same to mine. It's been apart for a year now.
Yes PB does have the front kit for your frame. Why not upgrade to power steering though? Yes you will have to use the 73-87 arms. You will have to either cup the lower or cut and replate it for the bag.
As for the back I think PB makes a kit for the early frame. I would send him a PM.
I was in the same boat as you finding everything I can about the truck before I make the desicion on what to buy. All I can say is research research, research.
I would PM PB about changing the motor mounts too from the I-6 to the V8. If I were you I would probably just get the V8 mounts and get the motor too. Sell the I-6
And what FOB you at?