Re: How crucial is a thermostat, really?
Correct me if im wrong, but I always thought a T-stat stays closed (No coolant circulating) until it reaches the temp rating it needs to open and let coolant into the motor / out to the radiator / and cool back down.
IE - If you have no T-stat at all then your engine is constantly circulating and cooling and in a hot dry summer over 100 it would be open all the time anyway if actually installed and working.
Without a T-stat it would definately take longer to get the motor up the correct and best operating temp and heater etc if you lived in a cooler place.
71 Jimmy: D60/14BFF, 9"F/11"B Lift, 350-350-203-205, Crossover Hydro steering, Beadlocks, Tube stuff and the bottomless cooler
Last edited by RckyMntnKng; 05-13-2010 at 07:11 PM.