Thread: breaks lock up
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Old 05-14-2010, 09:56 AM   #6
James McClure
One shot, one kill.
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Saratoga Springs NY
Posts: 859
Re: breaks lock up

Mine has the same lock-up issue. Brakes are in good shape with no fluid leaks & adjusted properly. Height sensing valve is new and in correct position, BUT, it only happens once or twice when I first start out. The rest of the day it's fine. The drums will get a light rust coating when it's damp out and the truck sits for a few days. The first few stops cleans the rust off and the issue goes away. If you have a fluid leak and don't know if it's brake fluid or rear end grease, here's a trick. DOT3 brake fluid is water soluable and rear end grease isn't. Get some of the wet stuff on a finger and wet it. If it rinces off easily it's brake fluid, if not, rear end grease. This won't work with DOT5 though, as silicone brake fluid isn't water soluable. jim
1984 K20 350M engine with 465,000 miles. Well, it's finally done!! Almost 2 years of work, but it was really worth the effort. Little stuff left to do is mount winch, wet sand & buff out and build belly pan\running boards. Body work takes lots and LOTS of beer!!!! God, Guts and Guns made America and God, Guts and Guns will preserve it! The worst thing you could do is get into my sights, but that don't matter, you'll never know it, cause you'll never hear the shotJim or Paladin whichever you choose.
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