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Old 05-15-2010, 11:43 AM   #10
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Re: Why bear claw latches?

Originally Posted by OrrieG View Post
The original style are notorius for letting the door pop open, especially when the hinge pin gets worn. If you look all that is holding the door closed is a cammed lever behind ramped plate. when everythings gets worn the door can bounce up and down and release. First thing I did in 76 when I got mine was install seat belts and child seat restraint. Never lost a kid but did loose a nice screwdriver and other tools that were laying on the floor when the door flew open going around a corner.
I owned a '49 years ago and while rounding a corner the passenger door flew open with my 6 year old son was hanging on for dear life. I highly recommend repairing or replacing the latch mechanisms.
Robert C.

1950 3600
3600 re-do, shortening it up

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