I've seen/heard some good ideas, such as splicing off the ignition wire way back at the engine to a rocker switch hidden in the glovebox or under the seat or something... switch it to off and it kills the ignition all the way down the tree. Kinda hard to steal a truck when you can't get it going or hotwire it.
Or, you could lowjack it. They have kits now you can hook up to a pay-as-you-go cell phone that you basically just leave in the truck and plugged in all the time (and hidden). Doesn't stop it from being stolen, but you get the joy of leading the cops right to that little *@$^&'s front door. Not too expensive, all told, too.
To stop breakins, there's a product you can get, it's a clear film that's sticky one side, you put it on almost like tint, and it stops your windows from shattering when they're smashed. Do your sides and backs and nobody is getting in there without a loooooot of effort.
A friend of mine had trouble back in Saskatchewan with breakins on his truck, and he used to be into expensive stereos, so he rigged up a custom job, electric switches hooked up to an old remote car starter. When he triggered it, a motor would move a solid metal bar all the way from his box, through the middle of his doors. Kinda hard to open a door when there's a 3/4" steel rod through it and both sides of the frame. Only downside was he had a slow motor, said it took forever to move that bar 6 feet.

He said it worked great until one day he accidentally set it off with the doors not closed right. Slow strong motor and 3/4inch steel bar, versus pretty flimsy door.... it didn't end well.
Short of taking the battery into the house with you every night, those'd be my suggestions. I'm looking for ideas myself, as I've had 2 cars stolen, and a few more breakins, over the 6 years I've been driving.
(yeah, I started late
