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Old 05-17-2010, 05:46 PM   #1
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power or manual rack for crossmember

I have a raised crossmember from SD, and this past thursday the leak in the power steering lines went from bad to worse, making my truck undriveable. I spent 4 hours taking everything apart, putting it together, and tightening the hell out of everything, and it still POURED powersteering fluid out. In my frustraton, I set out that I was going to swap out the cheapo autozone power rack for a manual one, and just get rid of the power steering. Now that I am not mad, Im not sure what route to take. I like the simplicity of the manual rack, as it just one less thing to maintain or have fail on the road. However, the power steering is nice to have. Id like to hear from some that have ran a manual rack in either the SD raised crossmember or Porterbuilt's dropmember, and see what their experiences are before I place my order.
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