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Old 05-20-2003, 06:18 PM   #35
Life is Good !
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Hollister, Ca.
Posts: 1,992
I have had problums with my neighbors. The guy is always comming over and b**ch'n about me making too much noise. And in the middle of the dam afternoon. He thinks that he can comeover and start crying about my compresser, and my air hammer ect. Well It has been going on like three months now. So Last week I started to get up extra early and starting Jenna's truck at like 5:30 am. I have to leave to goto work at 6:15am. It has been fun pissing this fool off. Whining about everything, crying and complaning fool. I have lived there for 2 1/2 years and I have not complained once about his F**KING dogs barking all fricking night, or nothing. But I have a ace in the hole, if he keeps on complaining I think I will build me a fence like you did WORNBRAKES. It looks good also, it is totally art.

I think that the worst was when he came over and told me he could hear nascar in his living room, and I needed to turn it down. I told him he was crazy if he thought he could tell me to turn down my TV at 10:30 in the morning. He told me he would call the cops. Well he did and they showed up when I was cutting up a frame. The police office told me that he was only there to ask me to turn down the TV. He ended up staying for like a half hour talking trucks, while my brother in-law continued to use the air hammer on the frame. When he left he told me to kindly turn down the TV. I told him I would but I would not be able to hear the race, over the hammer. He laughed and left. I have not seen the police since. As for the neighbor, he has bought another dog and he is still complaining about me. I think it is time to get animal control out here to talk to them about the citys ordinace about only haveing two dogs in town. Since they have four now. It is my turn to b**ch.
'72 Chevy C10 4x4 shortbed "Project"
'71 Chevy C10 2wd longbed "partsrunner"
'91 Chevy Burb 4x4 "kidrunner"
'14 Honda Accord Sport "commuter"
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