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Old 05-18-2010, 03:02 PM   #33
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Re: CPP notch problems with quality...round 2

Originally Posted by Josh View Post
I was mentioning his friend towing 40k lbs with a 3500 truck. Yes the truck would do it, but i'm pretty sure somewhere something was overloaded and laws were broken.

I personally wouldn't tow 1k lb tongue weight 6k lb trailer as 8mpg stated with a lowered c notched short wheel base truck. If you have a 3/4ton diesel truck I don't see why you would even want to risk towing 6k lbs with of a modified shortbed... Our YukonXL is rated to tow just shy of 8k lbs and I have towed near the GCVRW with it. It did it safely but it was compromised in its ability to stop and accelerate to the point I didn't feel comfortable towing like that. I tow a lot with my car trailer and my camper and no longer use the half tons sitting here to tow with when I have a much more capable and safer truck to do so with. Yeah it might not be as cool as a cummins powered nv4500 equipped lowered shortbed on bags but it sure is a lot safer.
What did people use in the 60-70s before big diesel trucks were around? A 1/2 ton truck can pull car trailers with cars. Im not saying it should pull a 8000lb dually on a car hauler, but it can and will haul cars just fine. Hell, people pull cars with Ford Explorers, v6 no less.

Im not trying to argue with you but the frame can take it, the suspension can take it...why not? At most, Id be pulling an old mustang on a car hauler or making a trip to the steel yard. Im not planning on pulling everday as a work truck, but I want to have the ability to. The notched frame wouldnt be a concern as long as the company does their engineering and builds a quality piece. There are tons of step notched frame duallys out there that pull huge triple car trailers. If they can pull that, a 69 chevy can pull a single car hauler with a moderate load.

Last edited by 8mpg; 05-18-2010 at 03:04 PM.
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