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Old 05-18-2010, 04:07 PM   #35
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Re: CPP notch problems with quality...round 2

There is nothing wrong with complaining when you believe you have recieved an inferior product but lets look at some things...

Originally Posted by 8mpg View Post
Im not an engineer or professional welder...
You said you aren't a professional at either of these but you have determined that both professional welders and engineers have failed to do their job properly.

Originally Posted by 8mpg View Post
CPPJeff stated that there was nothing to worry about and just to "trust him". Sorry... doesnt work that way in my book.
Sales guys don't always have all the information to correctly represent the product but assuming he did discuss this with one of their engineers then I would believe the part is adequate for use. They don't want a failure anymore than you do.

Originally Posted by 8mpg View Post
Im not trying to argue with you but the frame can take it, the suspension can take it...why not?
How do we know the frame can take it? Are we just supposed to "trust you"?

I don't intend to stir the pot but it sounds like you are bashing a vendor based on what you perceive to be a bad part and not on what you know to be a bad part. It is not necessary to always have 100% penetration on a weld. A 50% penetration weld does not mean it is a bad weld. It all depends on the particular application.
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