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Old 05-18-2010, 09:23 PM   #1
Getting Old; Going Broke
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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Instrument Cluster Transplant

So, I go out this evening and grab some stuff from a local suburban graveyard guy. I mainly wanted the radio and cluster bezel, but then decided to grab the entire cluster. I thought it might be nice to have a trip meter! I was not worried about the mileage, easy enough to set these old roller style odometers.

Anyways, I go to yank the speedo cable, and low and behold... there is not one. I went ahead and brought the stuff home, as the price was right. But now my question is, is there any way I can possibly use this cluster in my 87 silverado (full gauges in mine currently)? I got tired and just dropped the stuff off at the shop, I will get the speedo out tomorrow and look closer at it, but I do know the circuit board on the back appears slightly different than what I'm used to seeing.

I grabbed a few quick pictures. I'm really excited about the radio though. I do not require anything but factory, but I'm tired of tuning by turning a knob and having to constantly retune going down the road. For $10 I got the radio, antenna cabling and the external fender antenna. Just gotta dig up a black mast and I'll be set after drilling some holes.
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