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Old 05-19-2010, 01:15 PM   #106
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Re: Scott's hotrods shop truck

Originally Posted by chevyrestoguy View Post
As usual, it looks awesome. You guys do very nice work. Also, thanks for the great pictures. Not only are they informative, they are motivational.

Tip: On the safety wire, next time try this. When you're ready to do the pigtail, after it comes out of the end of the second fastener, lock both wires in the pliers and twist the wire BACKWARDS (some pliers like Snap-On have a reverse lever, if not, do it manually). This will tighten up any loose conditions in the wire, and it'll cut cleaner when you dyke off the excess. Go long when twisting the pigtail, at least an inch. I like to do my final pigtail cut at a length of about 3/4" of an inch because your cut will be made at a point where the wire has a tight twist. This will make the ends look nice. Then, bend the pigtail in half with a pair of needle nose pliers and then use the safetywire pliers to crimp the loop tightly. I'm an aircraft mechanic by trade, and this is how they taught us in A&P school. It looks really nice and consistent when you've got a bunch of fasteners (like the rotor hats) to do. And, it won't loosen up as easily and the pigtails won't unravel over time.
Funny you mentioned that we just ordered two pairs of pliers from our mac
tool guy on tuesday.The pliers we have been using took a c___p on tue.
Thanks for the tip
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